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​                                                         Viva Voce

  1.  The Viva Voce must last 20 minutes.

  2. Please use the Viva Voce guiding questions.

  3. When preparing the guiding questions, think about what might be weak in the student's Extended Essay. If the student expands on this in the Viva Voce it becomes an option to write about in your Supervisor comments and may assist in the awarded level for Criterion E. 

  4. There should be an audience for your student's Viva Voce. This includes their parents, teachers, members of the standardization group who will be awarding levels to the paper, Grade 11 students who will be producing an Extended Essay in the same subject, or others.

  5. The Viva Voce must take place prior to the standardization of the student's Extended Essay. This is because the awarded level for Criterion E and your comment must include the Viva Voce.



Viva Voce Preparation Questions

Student Name:       


Research Question:


Some Typical Questions for the VIVA VOCE

General Questions

•Why did you decide on this particular research question


•What did you find to be the most interesting aspect of your research?


•How did your thinking about this topic develop as you went through this research process?


•Now that you have completed the essay, which part of the process would you say you enjoyed the most and why?


•Where there any surprises along the way? What did you learn from this?


•How have you developed as a researcher having gone through this process?


Some Typical Questions for the VIVA VOCE

Research Context

•You refer to … as a key influence on your research – can you summarize the particular relevance of their work?


•What developments have there been in this field (topic) since you began your essay?

•You make only a passing reference to … - why do you think that is less relevant than the others you have given more priority to?



•You do not say much about …in your essay – can you explain why you did not focus more on that?


Some Typical Questions for the VIVA VOCE

General Questions

•Did you have any problems with the data collection process?


•How well did your methodology work in reality?


•What were the main ethical issues or considerations when conducting your research?


•How did you establish the limits around the scope of your data collection?


Some Typical Questions for the VIVA VOCE

Analysis and Findings

•Can you talk me through your methods of analysis?


•Did you encounter any problems with applying these methods of analysis?


•Do you think the data you collected were the most appropriate to answer your research question or are there any other data you would like to have collected?



•Can you describe your main findings in a few sentences?


Some Typical Questions for the VIVA VOCE

General Questions

•You interpret these findings as … but do you think there could be an argument for interpreting them as … instead?


•You said in your essay that … - can you expand on that point?


•In what ways do you consider your essay to be original?


•If you are starting your research again now, are there any changes in the way you would plan it?


•You interpret these findings as … but do you think there could be an argument for interpreting them as … instead?


Some Typical Questions for the VIVA VOCE


•What are the empirical and theoretical implications of your findings?


 •How would you hope that this research could be followed up and taken further?


•What does success mean to you in the process of producing your EE?


•Are there any new or unanswered questions that emerged as a result of your research?


•What advice would you give to next year ’s students who have yet to write their EE?


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