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               食物  speaking










Speaking Assessment(Crit C & D)

Structure of Speaking assessment

Part I: Presentation(1-2 mins)

You deliver a presentation about your trip. You are allowed to have up to 5 bullet points notes. 

Part II: Q&A (2-3 mins)

Teacher will ask you questions related to your presentation and you answer the question.

How to prepare your speaking assessment?

Step 1: Write your speaking script on Google doc and upload it in the folder.

Standard: It has to be your own writing, not translate app writing. 


You should review the whole unit and apply the vocabulary and sentences that we learned from the lessons. 

Step2: Prepare a 2-3 mins presentation(just to me, not to the whole class). You allowed having no more than 5 bullet point notes when you give your presentation. 

You should include:

  • What food do you like to eat(Vegetable, fruit, meals) + Why

  • What drinks do you like to drink + Why

  • What food you should eat more 

  • Your daily meals with family (Breakfast+lunch+dinner)


Phase 1

Criterion C: Communicating in response to spoken and/or written and/or visual text Maximum: 8 

At the end of phase 1, students should be able to: 

i. respond appropriately to simple short phrases 

ii. interact in simple and rehearsed exchanges, using verbal and non-verbal language 

iii. use basic phrases to communicate ideas, feelings and information on a variety of aspects of everyday topics 

iv. communicate with a sense of audience. 

Criterion D: Using language in spoken and/or written form Maximum: 8 

At the end of phase 1, students should be able to: 

i. write and/or speak using a basic range of vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions; when speaking, use clear pronunciation and intonation 

ii. organize basic information and use a range of basic cohesive devices 

iii. use language to suit the context. 


Phase 2

Criteria C: Communicating in response to spoken, written and/or visual text

Maximum: 8 

At the end of phase 2, students should be able to: 

i. respond appropriately to spoken and/or written and/or visual text 

ii. interact in basic structured exchanges 

iii. use phrases to communicate ideas, feelings and information in familiar situations 

iv. communicate with a sense of audience. 


Criteria D: Using language in spoken and/or written form

Maximum: 8 

At the end of phase 2, students should be able to: 

i. write and/or speak using a basic range of vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions; when speaking, use clear pronunciation and intonation 

ii. organize information and ideas and use a range of basic cohesive devices 

iii. use language to suit the context. 






1.你早餐一般吃什么(list at least 2)?   或者 huò zhě-or


2. 你早餐一般喝什么(list at least 2)


3. 你午餐一般吃什么(list at least 2)

4. 你午餐一般喝什么(list at least 2)? 

​5.   你晚餐一般吃什么(list at least 2)? 

4. 你晚餐一般喝什么(list at least 2)

5. 你喜欢吃什么蔬菜 (list at least 2)

​6. 你不喜欢吃什么蔬菜 (list at least 2)

7. 你一般每天吃多少zhǒng -types蔬菜? 

8. 你喜欢吃蔬菜沙拉吗?

9. 中国人一般不喜欢吃蔬菜沙拉,为什么?(cultural)

10. 你喜欢吃什么肉?(list at least 2)

11. 你不喜欢吃什么肉?(list at least 2) 

12. 你喜欢吃什么中餐?除了。。。还。。。

13. 你喜欢吃什么西餐? (除了。。。还。。。)cultural


14. 你觉得素食sù shí-vegetarian 好吗? 为什么?(extra) 

15. 你喜欢茶吗? 为什么? 你喜欢喝什么茶? (extra)

16. 中国人为什么不喜欢喝冰水或者冰茶?为什么?(cultural)

17. 你喜欢吃什么菜(__菜 cuisine)? 

Example:我喜欢吃中国菜(Chinese cuisine)、韩国菜(Korean cuisine)、日本菜(Japanese cuisine)、越南菜(Vietnamese cuisine)。。。

18. 你为什么喜欢吃_____菜(__菜 cuisine)?


19. 你喜欢和谁一起吃饭?为什么?






















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