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nǐ    jiào shén me míng zì?

What is your name?

Do you know the answers to these questions:

(No need to write down anything)

1. What's the order of the Chinese names?

Is it the same as your name?

2. How do people think they might be relatives 5000 years ago when they first meet? 

3.How many family names in China? 

Watch the video and note down the answers on bi ji ben. 

Watch the video and take notes on bi ji ben. 

Vocab writing: 

Option 1: Write each vocab 10 times on bi ji ben; 

Option 2: Print out the writing sheet and write on it. 

  • Create a Quizlet set named "名字"and practice for 10min.

  • In the Quizlet set, it should include pinyin, Chinese characters, and related images. 

Translate in Chinese:

Q:What's your name? 

A:My name is______________.(full name)


1. Watch the video.  

2. Read the text with your peers. 

3. Note down the conversation and practice with your peers

                      nǐ xìng shén me

   A:       ___,你   什么?

                           wǒ xìng 

   B:               ____。

   A: nǐ jiào shén me míng zì           

            你 叫   什    么  名      字?

    B:     wǒ jiào 

            我   叫  ___________。

Watch this video and read the dialogue out loud: 

 lǎo shī                    xiǎo míng   ní hǎo  

老师:                小  明,好!                   Hi xiao ming!

xiǎo míng               lǎo shī hǎo

小明:               老师好!                             Hi teacher!

bà ba        mā ma       nǐ men hǎo   

爸爸、妈妈:    你们好!                           Hi!

 xiǎo míng                     ní hǎo    wǒ jiào xiǎo míng     

小明:               好! 小  明。        Hi, I am xiao ming.

                         xiǎo míng  nǐ xìng shén me

Mike:                 小明,你  什么?   xiao ming, what's your last name

 xiǎo míng                   wǒ xìng wáng

小明:                王。                    My last name is wang

                            ō       wáng xiǎo míng 

Mike:                  噢,王   小  明。          oh, wang xiao ming 

                            shū shu      a yí        nǐ men hǎo 

                            叔叔、阿姨,你们好! Hi, uncle and aunty 


Note: 叔叔 (shū shu) – Uncle (title for a man of around your father’s age)

           阿姨 (ā yí) – Aunt (title for a woman who is around you mother’s age)


1. Watch the video.  

2. Read the text with your peers. 

3. Note down the conversation on bi ji ben and choose two people to fill into the blanks. 

                      tā xìng shén me

   A:       ___, 他   什么?

                           tā  xìng 

   B:              ____。

   A:       tā  jiào shén me míng zì           

                   叫   什    么  名      字?

    B:          tā jiào 

                    叫  ___________。

                      tā xìng shén me

   A:       ___,    什么?

                           tā  xìng 

   B:              ____。

   A: tā  jiào shén me míng zì           

             叫   什    么  名      字?

    B:     tā jiào 

            叫  ___________。

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