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  nǐ duō dà?

  你  多 大   了?

How old are you? 

Review counting from 1-100 in Chinese ? 

If you are not familiar with the writing, take notes on bi ji ben. 






Watch this video following the counting. 

Watch the video and take notes on bi ji ben. 

Vocab writing: 

Option 1: Write each vocab 10 times on bi ji ben; 

Option 2: Print out the writing sheet and write on it. 

  • Create a Quizlet set named "你多大"and practice for 10min.

  • In the Quizlet set, it should include pinyin, Chinese characters, and related images. 

Translate these and write down on your bi ji ben in Chinese. 

A: Hello. 

B: Hello. 

A: What is your name? 

B: My name is _____.

A: How old are you? 

B: I am ____. How about you? 

Watch this video and try to read the dialogue: 

 lǎo shī                    xiǎo míng   ní hǎo  

老师:                小  明,你好!

xiǎo míng               lǎo shī hǎo

小明:               老师好!

bà ba        mā ma       nǐ men hǎo   

爸爸、妈妈:    你们好!

 xiǎo míng                     ní hǎo    wǒ jiào xiǎo míng     

小明:               你好!我 叫 小  明。

                         xiǎo míng  nǐ xìng shén me

Mike:                 小明,你姓  什么?

 xiǎo míng                   wǒ xìng wáng

小明:               我 姓  王。

                            ō       wáng xiǎo míng 

Mike:                  噢,王   小  明。 

                            shū shu      a yí        nǐ men hǎo 


bà ba        mā ma        mài kè        nǐ duō dà le a yí 

爸爸、妈妈:    麦克: 你多大了?

                            a yí        wǒ shí liù suì

Mike:              阿姨,我十六岁。 

                          xiǎo míng   nǐ ne


 xiǎo míng                  wǒ  yě shí liù suì

​小明:               我也十六岁。 

问题:wèn tí 




Where is 小明?_____________

Mike和小明比,谁更大? ____________

​What does 叔叔shū shu 阿姨 a yí mean in Chinese?


Why Mike called 小明的parents 叔叔、阿姨?





Write down at least two cultural facts with telling ages in Chinese.

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