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Personal Project Criterion A Investigating

Formative Feedback ‘Helper’ Checklist


Report Formatting

  • MLA Formatting (applied to the entire paper)

    • 12 point font

    • Arial

    • Double-spaced

    • 1-inch margins

    • No space between paragraphs

    • Black Ink only


Criterion A General Descriptors (Investigating)

i.  define a clear goal and global context for the project, based on personal interests

ii.  identify prior learning and subject-specific knowledge relevant to the project

iii.  demonstrate research skills

Section 1.1 Goal and Global Context


Writing Requirements

  • Typically one paragraph

  • Written in 1st person

  • Formal, but personal, register

  • Strong, clear language and sentences


Content Requirements

  • Goal is clearly stated (this can be taken straight from the goal worksheet)

  • The goal is proven to be clear and highly challenging

    • What makes it difficult to complete the goal?

      • Complexity

      • Location

      • Resources

    • Speak to all of the difficult aspects of the goal - don’t hold back, be direct and honest

  • How is the goal challenging to the student personally


Global Context/Global Context Exploration/Personal Interest

Writing Requirements

  • Typically one paragraph

  • 1 paragraph

  • Written in 1st person

  • Strong, clear language and sentences

Content Requirements

  • State the Global Context and Global Context Exploration

  • Prove that your choice of GC and GCE are directly related to your goal

    • The definition of the GC can help guide the words

    • How did the GC and GCE guide the work?

  • 1-2 sentences stating why you have selected this goal

    • What makes this personal to you?

    • Why is this your passion?


Section 1.2 Prior Knowledge

Personal Prior Knowledge

Writing Requirements

  • Typically one paragraph

  • 1 paragraph

  • Written in 1st person

  • Strong, clear language and sentences


Content Requirements

  • Provide the foundation for student growth

    • Identify and explain personal prior knowledge

    • What did they know personally coming in?

      • Possible areas to cover:

        • Family trips/outings

        • Museums

        • Books read in personal time

        • Hobbies

        • Participation in the arts or athletics outside of school


Subject-Specific Prior Knowledge

Writing Requirements

  • Typically one paragraph

  • 1 paragraph

  • Written in 1st person

  • Strong, clear language and sentences


Content Requirements

  • Provide the foundation for student growth

  • Identify and explain subject-specific knowledge

  • What knowledge did they know from specific subjects and/or school coming in?

    • What did you learn from classes at ISHCMC or another school that helps in the project?

    • Be specific

      • What year and class?

        • Ex. Year 4 MYP Individuals and Societies

      • What did the class teach you that will help with your goal?


Section 1.3 Investigation

Writing Requirements

  • Typically six-eight paragraphs

  • Written in 3rd person

  • Formal academic language

  • Strong, clear language and sentences

  • In-text citations


Organization Options

  • Option One: one paragraph per vital, relevant source

  • Option Two: thematic paragraphs; group like resources together that have a similar influence on the goal


Content requirements

  • All components below should be addressed in each paragraph:

    • What research was found (with in-text citations)

    • Research validity is determined

    • Explained how the research influenced the project

    • Explained how the research was applied to the project

Balanced investigation

  • A balanced investigation into all parts of the goal

  • Balanced investigation of sources (primary and secondary)

  • Students are using the MISO method

    • Media

    • Interview

    • Survey

    • Observations and Experiences

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