weather types
weather types
weather adj.
like & unlike weather
Personal Project Criterion A Investigating
Formative Feedback ‘Helper’ Checklist
Report Formatting
MLA Formatting (applied to the entire paper)
12 point font
1-inch margins
No space between paragraphs
Black Ink only
Criterion A General Descriptors (Investigating)
i. define a clear goal and global context for the project, based on personal interests
ii. identify prior learning and subject-specific knowledge relevant to the project
iii. demonstrate research skills
Section 1.1 Goal and Global Context
Writing Requirements
Typically one paragraph
Written in 1st person
Formal, but personal, register
Strong, clear language and sentences
Content Requirements
Goal is clearly stated (this can be taken straight from the goal worksheet)
The goal is proven to be clear and highly challenging
What makes it difficult to complete the goal?
Speak to all of the difficult aspects of the goal - don’t hold back, be direct and honest
How is the goal challenging to the student personally
Global Context/Global Context Exploration/Personal Interest
Writing Requirements
Typically one paragraph
1 paragraph
Written in 1st person
Strong, clear language and sentences
Content Requirements
State the Global Context and Global Context Exploration
Prove that your choice of GC and GCE are directly related to your goal
The definition of the GC can help guide the words
How did the GC and GCE guide the work?
1-2 sentences stating why you have selected this goal
What makes this personal to you?
Why is this your passion?
Section 1.2 Prior Knowledge
Personal Prior Knowledge
Writing Requirements
Typically one paragraph
1 paragraph
Written in 1st person
Strong, clear language and sentences
Content Requirements
Provide the foundation for student growth
Identify and explain personal prior knowledge
What did they know personally coming in?
Possible areas to cover:
Family trips/outings
Books read in personal time
Participation in the arts or athletics outside of school
Subject-Specific Prior Knowledge
Writing Requirements
Typically one paragraph
1 paragraph
Written in 1st person
Strong, clear language and sentences
Content Requirements
Provide the foundation for student growth
Identify and explain subject-specific knowledge
What knowledge did they know from specific subjects and/or school coming in?
What did you learn from classes at ISHCMC or another school that helps in the project?
Be specific
What year and class?
Ex. Year 4 MYP Individuals and Societies
What did the class teach you that will help with your goal?
Section 1.3 Investigation
Writing Requirements
Typically six-eight paragraphs
Written in 3rd person
Formal academic language
Strong, clear language and sentences
In-text citations
Organization Options
Option One: one paragraph per vital, relevant source
Option Two: thematic paragraphs; group like resources together that have a similar influence on the goal
Content requirements
All components below should be addressed in each paragraph:
What research was found (with in-text citations)
Research validity is determined
Explained how the research influenced the project
Explained how the research was applied to the project
Balanced investigation
A balanced investigation into all parts of the goal
Balanced investigation of sources (primary and secondary)
Students are using the MISO method
Observations and Experiences