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Crit A 



XX didn't identify much prior learnig. Although he claims he knew a lot about the subject of manga, there was no outline of what he knew or what the limits of his knowledge were. In terms of research skills related to drawing (something he outlined as necessary) he didn't actually find many sources on artistic technique. Ultimately his research was defined by what he could find, not what he needed to find.


 His goal is clear and challenging. It could have been improved by explaining the connection between the goal and the global context. Used a variety of sources that were validated by the CRAAP test. Sources are scattered throughout final report but bibliography is missing.

The goal is clearly defined, and based on personal interest, though how challenging it is is questionable. Limited understanding of the GC. Identifies his own prior learning, but nothing about subject-specific knowledge. Adequate research skills - there is a good variety and range of sources, though they are only partly evaluated. In addition, the bibliography doesn't seem to follow a consistent format.

defines a clear and highly challenging goal related to world significance, prior knowledge is mentioned but not elaborated upon, and very general research done with little detailed searching to gain understanding of detailed concepts



Has set context of personal interest; challenge in terms of movie editing and videoing as he is not experienced (this may not be challenging for students with that experience); has idenitifed prior knowledge; has used research well (what others have done in producing tennis tutorials and best forums for presenting work)

Research is systematics and effective the project, with insightful understanding of perspectives (in appendices). Information is docummented fully and correctly.


clear and highly challenging goal and context for the project based on personal interests, identify prior learning and subject knowledge consistently highly relevent to the project and excellent research skills



The goal is clearly defined and this is was a very challenging goal for her to accomplish. She is clearly aware of self management skills as stated in the process. The plan was very organized and even reorganized when necessary.

Crit B 


XX admits he left the criteria until the very end and didn't show evidence of having developing meaningful or particularly useful criteria. His record of his research and planning is limited, but could have been much better. His self-management skills were non-existent.



Identifies elements of criteria but criteria is not included in his report. Seems to relate criteria to his process and not his product. References creating a timeline, minimal details are included to explain how project was planned and executed. Extracts from journal are included, though some are incomplete. The excerpts are not referenced in report. Organizational skills are lacking, demonstrated adequate affective skills, specifically resilience.


developed rigorous criteria that are achievable through diligence to the task at hand, presents an adequate method for planning with little structure, substantial self management skills by using existing programs to organize content


Criteria developed were appropriate (maybe could have included element of what was going to make his videos different to other tennis tutorials). Realised through process that makiing a video and editing involved considerable plannig and coordination of people involved - and re-scheduling when things such as weather did not cooperate. Unfortunately he has not included all his planning stages into his written report.

Criteria are substantial and appropriate, though unclear as to what extent they are informed by research. A substantial plan, with short term goals and dates to support the planning. Good time management noted. Clear explanation (and evidence) of affective skill of resilience.


The criteria that was created was of a rigorous standard taking into consideration was realistically possible. It was appropriate to what she would be able to accomplish given the time restrictions.


develop rigorous criteria for the product/, present a detialed and accurate plan and record of the development process of the project, demonstrate excellent self-management skills

Crit C 


Discusses product being successful with reference to price and aesthetics as part of his success criteria. Connects product to global context. Outlines some of his thinking skills when discussing difficulties choosing tools and assembling product. More detail is needed.



XX created a basic product. There was a manga and it did tell a story: one that was designed to make manga more appealing/accessible to other first time artists. The thinking skills associated with this were similarly basic: we discussed the use of a meta-narrative in Understanding Comics to involve the reader in the story, but he didn't develop or use this idea. He was not a strong communicator with me (he needed to be chased frequently) and he missed at least one opportunity to discuss his project/aspect of his project with an expert: I suggested he speak to Ms. Thomson about how to develop and meaningful journal/sketchbook for an artistic product such as his.

excellent product created in response to goal, global context and criteria, thinking limited to practical/procedural issues, with no mention or evidence of creative thinking, adequate research skills shown although forums can be useful, consultation with experts would highly benefit the outcome of the project

The website is a good quality product. However, there is little reference to the criteria, nor to the GC. Substantial self-generated thinking skills - very little evidence of using the research to drive or influence this thinking however. Effective interaction and working with others - could have developed the communication skills more by actually evaluating those interactions.


XX very quickly learned he needed to be organised and selective with information and strategies to be implemented. He was slow to get going in the beginning. He needed to coordinate with several people so this tested communication skillls. Product has met what he set out to do.

Critcal thinking, creative thinking and transfer are natural and have enabled the successful completion of the project. Interactions with other are clearly and consistently communicated and demonstrated in the report. (evaluated as 8 but lowered to 7 because the word count exceeded 3500)


XXdemonstrated excellent thinking skills both research and problem solving as she went through the process. The final product was excellent, responded to the goal (although this project is meant to be continued througout next year) and also had a connection to the global context.

Crit D


XX freely admits that he shifted his criteria around so much while working through the project that he was left struggling to assess his own work. He failed to outline any process for receiving feedback from his readership or for putting his comic on a forum which would have allowed for students to find and read it. Therefore he had no idea if the manga was widely read or widely appreciated. Given that 50% of his original impulse was to inspire others to engage with manga, this is particularly disappointing.


References elements of criteria with limited details. Mentions that he understands his global context better but does not explain how. Ommitted reflection of IB learner profile.



substantial evaluation of quality of product against success criteria although does not enhance on what this may lead to, limited reflection on how completing the project extended knowledge and understanding of topic/context. no mention of IB learner profile

Explains the quality of the product in relation to the criteria. Substantial reflection on how the project has extended his understanding of the topic, though rather weaker on the GC. Substantial explnation of how he has developed as an IB learner.


substantial evaluation of quality of product against success criteria although does not enhance on what this may lead to, limited reflection on how completing the project extended knowledge and understanding of topic/context. no mention of IB learner profile


Has attempted to relate and assess Global Context.However much discussion is about creating a video and nort specifically on Global Context. Reflecting on product against crtiteria. Discussed development of communication and organisation skills.


presents excellent evaluation of product by weighing product/outcome against success criteria and comes close to meeting all at the rigorous level, presents excellent reflection on how completing the project extended the student's knowledge, but many more aspects of the IB learner profile were exhibited throughout the PP, however they are not mentioned or reflected upon here



XX did spend time reflecting on the process and as herself as a learner and of her knowledge and understanding of the topic as a whole throughout the project. The reflection was substantial and could be further developed.


Excellent evaluation of the qulaity of the product against the success criteria and on how the project has extended her knowledge on the topic and global context. There was an excellent reflection on her development as an IB learner through open-mindedness. Further examples of ATL were ignored as they exceeded the word limit.

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